August 28, 2015 - August 29, 2015

Additional Information

Eric Wiese suffered a traumatic skiing accident while vacationing in Colorado in March. Since then, he has undergone brain surgery, facial reconstruction surgery and extensive rehabilitation while recovering from traumatic brain injury, facial fractures, fractured vertebrae and nerve damage.

The benefit and charity golf tournament aim to raise money to help Wiese with his medical expenses and everyday financial needs as he recovers.

On Friday, Aug. 28, the Faribault Country Club will host an 18-hole charity golf tournament. Entry fee is $120, and there is room for 88 entries. On Saturday, Aug. 29, the Faribault Elks Lodge, 131 Lyndale Ave N., will host a benefit event featuring raffle drawings, silent and live auctoins, entertainment by Elvis Entertainment, a bake sale, kids entertainment and a barbecue pulled pork supper with sides.

Tickets to the Aug. 29 benefit are available at the door, or by request before the event and cost $10 for adults and $5 for kids.

For more information on the golf tournament or how to donate, please contact Justin at (507) 369-8197 or Ashley at (507) 323-5381.