Trains get freight from one place to the next. People can travel by train, too. They make great toys for all ages, Christmas and all year long. I vaguely remember watching my brother setting up train tracks and a village in our basement.

Trains are also very loud, for a purpose of course. However, sometimes they really do lay on that horn. Other times it is just a toot, toot.

When we first moved to our house, the trains coming through town were much louder than they are now. Most likely because we are used to them. However, it does depend on how close you live to the tracks. I know at times our house does shake a little as the trains go by.

It's funny, growing up in the city we were near the trains, but I don't remember hearing them much. Now my mom lives in the country, but not near train tracks. So, when I call her and our windows are open on a nice day (yep, they are a comin') she makes comments about hearing the horn in the background. With it being quiet in the country, that sound really stands out.

Remember to find the eggs!!



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